Avis Flex

Try our flexible long-term rental service.

Avis Flex – car rental from 1 to 24 months, which includes a full maintenance and service package. This is an ideal service for personal and business trips. Avis Flex offers new, well-equipped cars and the opportunity to pick up the vehicle immediately.

Both companies and individuals can become customers, because we will always find the best solution for your needs.



flexible | fast | simple

Long-term car rental

Special offer
Available for 24 months



fuel icon Petrol
Transmission icon Automatic
Price from (inc. VAT 21%)
499€ / mon 703€

Special offer
Available for 24 months



fuel icon Petrol
Transmission icon Automatic
Price from (inc. VAT 21%)
499€ / mon 703€

Special offer
Available for 24 months



fuel icon Petrol
Transmission icon Automatic
Price from (inc. VAT 21%)
499€ / mon 703€

Special offer
Available for 24 months



fuel icon Petrol
Transmission icon Automatic
Price from (inc. VAT 21%)
499€ / mon 703€




fuel icon Electric
Transmission icon Automatic
Price from (inc. VAT 21%)
607€ / mon




fuel icon Petrol
Transmission icon Automatic
Price from (inc. VAT 21%)
416€ / mon

Why choose Avis Flex?

  • This is a fast and easy way to purchase the car rental service you want.
  • We handle the contract formalities quickly, so you can get the car even on the same day.
  • You can choose from our wide range of cars. The cars will always be new or slightly used and in good technical condition.
  • AVIS Flex guarantees you a fixed price for the entire rental period and no hidden fees.
  • We have offices throughout Lithuania, so you can pick up the car at a convenient location for you.

And these are just some of the benefits we offer to Avis customers. We are ready to listen to everyone’s personal expectations and offer the best option for you, taking into account your specific situation and needs. 


Jessica Shy

“I am very satisfied with the services provided by AVIS. Friendly employees, fast and high-quality service. I trust and recommend it.”

Rimantas Kaukėnas Foundation

“Every day for our team is full of new discoveries, conversations, and meetings with heroes. We are happy that wherever we go, thanks to AVIS cars, we can do it safely and comfortably.”

Naglis Bierancas

“Extremely great attention to the customer from A to Z. AVIS takes care of everything so that you have as few worries as possible. All that remains is to enjoy your travels.”

Paulius Vaitiekūnas

“I want to celebrate my friendship with AVIS. Everything is absolutely top-notch. From picking up the car to dropping it off. Everything is very fast and efficient, and the employees are very friendly. Thank you!”

Lukas Gricius

“When you want to have no worries about car rental, I recommend contacting AVIS! They will arrange for you a suitable car and deliver it to the right place. You can also pick it up at Vilnius Airport, as soon as you land and sit in the already prepared car!”

Board Sports

“We spend a lot of time in the car during the summer, traveling from one place to another, so we are very happy to have such wonderful friends. AVIS – always the best service and special care.”

Jessica Shy

“Esu labai patenkinta AVIS teikiamomis paslaugomis. Nuoširdūs darbuotojai, greitas bei kokybiškas aptarnavimas. Pasitikiu ir rekomenduoju.”

Rimanto Kaukėno fondas

“Kiekviena diena mūsų komandai – kupina naujų atradimų, pokalbių, susitikimų su herojais. Esame laimingi, kad bet kur, kur vykstame AVIS automobilių dėka, galime tai daryti saugiai ir patogiai.”

Naglis Bierancas

“Nepaprastai didelis dėmesys klientui nuo A iki Z. Viskuo pasirūpina AVIS, kad turėtum kuo mažiau rūpesčių. Belieka tik mėgautis kelionėmis.”

Paulius Vaitiekūnas

“Noriu pasidžiaugti draugyste su AVIS. Viskas absoliučiai aukščiausiame lygyje. Nuo automobilio pasiėmimo iki atidavimo. Viskas labai greitai ir operatyviai, o darbuotojai labai draugiški. Ačiū!”

Lukas Gricius

“Kai nori neturėti rūpesčių, dėl automobilių nuomos, rekomenduoju kreiptis į AVIS! Jie pasirūpins jums tinkamu automobiliu ir pristatys į reikiamą vietą. Galite atsiimti ir Vilniaus Oro uoste, vos nusileidi ir sėdi į jau suruoštą automobilį!”

Board Sports

“Vasarą labai daug laiko praleidžiame automobilyje keliaujant iš vienos vietos į kitą, dėl to labai džiaugiamės, kad turime tokius nuostabius draugus. AVIS – visuomet geriausias servisas ir ypatingas rūpestis.”